Saturday, May 10, 2014

Experiment 2: Salad with Vinaigrette Dressing

 Today, I made a vinaigrette salad. I expect it to have a small effect on my blood-sugar - an increase of 10 or 20 - and after two hours my blood-sugar will be back to where it was before.

  • Mixed greens (mostly spinach)
  • Olive oil
  • A dab of mustard
  • Balsamic vinegar (about 1/3 as much as olive oil)
  • Salt
  • Dried herbs
  • Ground black pepper
  • A few drops of lemon juice

Before: My blood-sugar read 118 (1:30pm).
Hypothesis: In one hour, my blood-sugar will read something between 125 and 135. After the second hour, my blood-sugar will be between 110 and 120.
Activity: Spent time on computer. Took a shower.
After 1 Hour: 115 (2:40pm)
After 2 Hours: 96 (3:40pm)

 My blood-sugar barely went up at all. In fact, it went down more quickly than at any other part of the day. This surprised me, because I had assumed beforehand that the vinegar would elevate my sugar some. Especially since one of its ingredients is caramelized sugar. Eating green leaves probably helped my sugar drop. This is definitely a good meal for me to eat when my sugar is already high, but not ideal if my sugar is already below 70. I wonder if using different types of vinegar would affect my blood-sugar differently?

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